Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - One Fatal Mistake

Throughout your quest to get your ex girlfriend back, you might find that despite all your moves, progress has been slow or non-existent. The truth is, there is one BIG fatal mistake - too common for comfort - that is screwing guys over because they don't realize they're doing anything wrong.

This mistake is worse than appearing desperate and needy and it's certainly not talked about as nearly enough. This happens much more amongst men than women, so if all this sounds familiar to you, you need to reassess your actions.

The biggest one fatal mistake guys make when they're trying to get their ex girlfriend back is continuing to act as if they're IN a relationship with the girl. If everything else is pretty much the same between the two of you since the break up, you need to wake up and pay attention to what is really going on.

After a break up, women often insist on wanting to remain friends. Mostly the guys will comply because they want to show their girl that they still care about them. In some other way, they're also secretly hoping that if they just do enough nice things for them that she will eventually come back to them.

This is a misconception. The only thing that your ex girlfriend will take away from it is that you're better as friends and now she won't have to feel the torment of being "alone" for the brief period between boyfriends.

It takes some backbone to stop this kind of behaviour. Especially if you really care about this woman, it's going to really difficult. However, the reality is things won't get any better if you do remain friends.

The best thing you can do is slowly withdraw contact and start hanging out with some new friends. If she starts to get upset, explain it to her and hopefully she will understand.

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