Sunday, May 10, 2009

Uncomfortable Moments for a Break-up

Not many of us are lucky enough to grow old with the first person they have met and fallen in love with. Usually life is a mixture of break-ups and new beginnings that we need to face and get ready to totally accept them.

Break-ups are painful, devastating sometimes and full of tears. This is life and it happens even if for a certain period of time you had the perfect relationship. Now you don't want to be a couple anymore. What can you do? This is a difficult question but anyway avoid the following unfavorable circumstances:

1. Multimedia

Emails and mobile text messages are inappropriate means to announce a separation. Are you afraid to say this openly, face to face? Whatever the reason, the break-up needs to be face to face without hiding behind anything. Such a person, who hides and doesn't go openly, is lacking responsibility and integrity.

2. On vacation

If you intend to do this around vacation time (either at the seaside or in the mountains) when everything is great, give it up. You will do nothing but ruin his/her life. Let him/her enjoy vacation time and end up the relationship when getting back home.

3. On the phone

Do you think that a phone conversation will sort things out? You are wrong. It will be even worse. Be brave, find the right words and face him/her.

4. At the altar

Do not do this, no way. If you plan a break-up, it is Ok to do it before that. You risk being aggressed by in-laws or other relatives.

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